Transforming Accessory Dwelling Units (“ADUs”) Into Sellable Properties

What We Address

ADUs can now be sold and owned as separate properties. However, they must first undergo a condo conversion to become sellable. This process requires a collaborative effort from specialized and licensed professionals. There is widespread unfamiliarity with the procedure and a lack of experts who can manage making ADUs sellable.

A simple illustration of a red home with two windows.
A simple illustration of a small, triangular house with a square window in the front.
A simple illustration of a small shrub
  • Accredited

    We are California's first specialized service, transforming ADUs into independently sellable properties.

  • Established

    We have a team of reputable professionals, each leading in their expertise, united together for a specific goal.

  • Inimitable Solution

    We have developed a new system around one objective.

We are specialists transforming ADUs with a vision

United with our team of attorneys, consultants, and land surveyors, we refine ADUs into independently sellable homes across California.

An illustrated landscape with multiple houses on a hill with a shrub at the bottom.
  • An icon of a piece of paper with a magnifying glass to the left and a pencil to the right.


    Set clear physical and relational boundaries. Forge your space's identity.

  • An icon of a gear with two arrows forming a circle around it.


    Take initiative.
    Shape it as you desire.

  • An icon of a bar graph slowly elevating and an arrow pointing upward.


    Scale use purpose.
    Utilize your augment returns.

We Work With: Realtors & Builders

An illustration of a small, triangular, purple house with a small shrub outside.

Stay Informed on New Local Laws & ADUs